closing ranks.

romano.jpgTomorrow, its this charmer who will make the news here.  its Saverio Romano, a centre right MP who is currently awaiting trial for his mafia connections.   Toto Riina had his name and phone number on his little ‘bigliettini’ when he was caught and 4 ‘pentiti’ have said that he was undoubtedly toto’s man in parliament.  This was in 2003 – and since then he has been fighting to stay out of court.  In 2009 phone interceptions show him on the phone to a lawyer of the Ciancimino family and that led to the warrant from the Antimafia lawyers.

So why the fuss – because Parliament has to vote on whether he can be arrested or not.  Forget morals here – the majority is slipping – so the Lega and PDL will decide he is innocent and cannot be arrested and sent for trial – majority intact for another day.   They dont quite get the fact that the public can see through this ruse and despise them for it.



