It’s getting silly now. Old Mr Toad is so busy hedging his bets, he makes no sense. Yesterday he hijacked a press conference for the new Bruno Vespa book ( no1 brown nosed journalist fan anf author of 3 books a year that make Jeffrey Archer look like a researcher) and told us that he was the candidate for premier, that alfano was the candidate for premier, and that monti could be premier if he would be ‘liberal’. Of Silvios big 6 arguments to change the world, 3 regarded only his personal interests: 1. the banning of Berlusconi to have a bigger share of tv was ‘disgusting’ in a democracy. 2) the magistracy are the cancer of Italy 3) The judge Boccassini is bringing politics into the courtroom – this last being a response to the blatant attempt by Steptoe to bring politics into the courtroom by bundling Ruby off to Mexico for 2 months.
His other policies, not much clearer, were 1) Dell’Utri (friend and convicted criminal and mafioso) will not be standing – which was news to Dell’Utri who said that was a misunderstanding; 2) despite slagging off Europe, Mr Toad is in fact a devout European and 3) If Monti will stand then Silvio will be prepared to take a back seat and direct things from his palace. (Immediately vetoed by Monti).
So its all heading for a laughable collapse – tears of laughter are beginning to prick my eyes…