Its lies, all lies….

19 November 2011 – At the primaries next spring, I will not be a candidate

4 February 2012  In an interview with the FT Berlusconi says he has no intention to run for office – he has put himself to one side.

18 February 2012 – Berlusconi in an interview with the Spanish press excludes any possible recandidacy as premier

6 March 2012 – Berlusconi says he has no intention to run for office, and excludes any possibility.

6 April:  The Quirinale?  No  and I will not be a candidate. – Berlusconi.

23 May 2012 – Berlusconi – ‘I exclude my recandidature for premier’

12 July 2012 – BERLUSCONI announces that he is the PDL candidate.  There will be no primaries within the PDL and all democracy is suspended until Berlusconi decides otherwise.

Would you vote for this man….? mr-t1.jpg 



