19 November 2011 – At the primaries next spring, I will not be a candidate
4 February 2012 In an interview with the FT Berlusconi says he has no intention to run for office – he has put himself to one side.
18 February 2012 – Berlusconi in an interview with the Spanish press excludes any possible recandidacy as premier
6 March 2012 – Berlusconi says he has no intention to run for office, and excludes any possibility.
6 April: The Quirinale? No and I will not be a candidate. – Berlusconi.
23 May 2012 – Berlusconi – ‘I exclude my recandidature for premier’
12 July 2012 – BERLUSCONI announces that he is the PDL candidate. There will be no primaries within the PDL and all democracy is suspended until Berlusconi decides otherwise.