Minister for Minecraft

La Meloni has announced her cabinet, so chock full of ministers it will take weeks to go through them all.  Harking back to what she may consider Italy’s glory days, we now have ministers for ‘Alimentary Sovereignty’  ‘Birth’ and ‘Politics of the Seas’    The only thing missing is a minister for Gardening with special responsibility for compost.    Any mention of green or ecology has been excised from the new government’s language.

It’s a selection of nonentities and incompetents, though with the odd infamous name thrown in.  The repellent Daniela Santanchè makes a return to parliament.   Its only 5 years since she gave an interview proudly saying that she has a bust of Mussolini on her coffee table, and less since she opened the Twiga beach resort and entered into business with Flavio Briatore – famous for his 60 euro pizzas and his view that state benefits for the unemployed should be suspended between March and October, because he needs workers who he can pay a pittance for his beach clubs.

After recent bad weather the Twiga resort got badly damaged and la Santanche lamented the fact that people weren’t very sympathetic –  If she didnt have insurance I have even less sympathy.   Various sources estimate that Twiga earns its owners around 4 million.  They have recently fixed the rent on the beachside plot for 15 years at 17600 euros pa.

As Santanchè has just become Minister for Tourism, I predict lots of initiatives to protect owners of Lido’s especially in Sardinia and Versilia.    Apparently she has no conflict of interest.

A less honorable bunch of honorables would be hard to choose.



