It is this perhaps which is the greatest joke perpretated on the Italians. In the last few years, it is ever more obvious that what the Italians are repeated told is a democracy is in fact an oligarchy which is now teetering ever more dangerously towards a type of dictatorship – that bought by the rich and powerful. Yesterday Mr Toad returned to his favourite theme: there are communists everywhere out to get me. Past its use by date this particular ruse – but nicely masks the draft of his new law on phone interceptions. Anybody who complains about something in print regarding them (ie newspapers, magazines, blog, the web) has the right to have it removed within 48 hours on the pain of a 12000 euro fine. Proof – not needed. Thats Berlusconian democracy.
So, despite the news plastered everywhere and even the sonorous tones of Anna Wintour giving her decision on Italians and Berlusconi, the Italians remain hopelessly apathetic in the face of the latest revelations. The problem is mainly that they dont believe anything they read of hear – years of experience has taught them that, and Silvio’s repeated bleatings of ‘Ive done nothing to be ashamed of’ are in a certain way allowable. For instance – in the UK a PM who flies his whores around the country on Airforce 1 at the tax payers expense wouldnt last long. Here its fine. WHy? Well, because 3 years ago Berlusconi passed a little law allowing him to fly who he likes whereveer he likes at our expense. And the Itlaians did nothing, (probably becauser they didnt believe it) and so its the italians fault. As logic you cant beat it.