A question of politics

La politica is translated as ”

The term politics is used in reference to the activity and modalities of government,
 or also in the political lexicon to the so-called opposition activity"

except that in Italy is has no bearing on actual governance.
The shenanigans of the last weeks, have shown that government and
politics in Italy are unrelated and distinct.   Given the love of all
things behind the scenes, it's hardly surprising that politicians in Italy
are only interested in secretive conversations in darkened rooms and autogrill
carparks.  The fun is to be had trying to stuff your opponent, by fair 
means or foul, something which the UK is only just discovering. 
The actual process of governing is of no interest to any elected politician,
which is just as well seeing that Italy is, in reality,  governed by people 
who have never been elected.   
After Berlusconi's highly visible memo's to himself last week, he held a
family conference yesterday where his children told him to make peace 
with meloni.  But by writing his opinion of the woman in large letters
on a piece of paper that could be picked up by the camera, he had made his
point.  Meloni may say that she cannot be blackmailed, but she undoubtedly
has now to give Berlo a bit of space that she really didnt want to.
For the 'traitors' who voted for La Russa as President of the Senate,
Silvio took a new piece of blank paper and wrote, again in nice big letters:
"Renzi, life peers", but failed to finish his memo - leaving just enough
doubt in peoples' minds as to what he was referring.  Meloni may be about
to discover that Berlusconi's 30 odd years in politics has taught him a
few tricks. 
The Italians pay hundreds of millions a year for a parliament where our 
'servants of the people' play at politics, and being Italy, it's a grubby game. 
 Unfortunately no-one wants to govern, which probably is the reason why 
outgoing technical PM, Draghi, has an approval rating all the 
elected politicians would die for.



