Another fine mess

The clown show continues on this side of the pond too.
They have been strenuously defending the Albanian plan which thus far has seen a game changing 7 (seven) immigrants being detained there. Outnumbered by the Italian forces of law and order, who stay in a luxury seaside resort. So far this wonderful idea has cost 250 million – all of which seems to go into the pockets of the Albanian government. It is projected to cost about 1 billion by 2030.
By the casual sleight of hand which Meloni is perfecting, she also let it be known that next year 300.000 ‘undocumented’ immigrants will be given documented status – therefore allowing them into the workforce. Italy has admitted it needs over half a million immigrants per year to keep the country afloat. So for all the bad human traffickers, it seems that coming to Italy illegally does offer the possibility to stay and work here. Its just it isn’t what the supporters of Meloni want to hear.
Salvini and his succubi are meanwhile using every opportunity to infer – alla Trump – that every crime committed in Italy is perpetrated by clandestine immigrants who are all psychologically damaged. Crimes thus far in 2024, at least those resolved, show a majority of murders, especially with female victims, committed in the family. Half of those are perpetrated by the partner or the ex partner.
Last year, out of 220 murders with Italian victims and the murderer known, 192 were committed by Italians.



