The scale of the planned MUOS system in Sicily is becoming apparent.  MUOS is a new communications system for the US armed forces, and allows stuff like drones to be operated from a desk in Washington.  There are 4 MUOS stations in the world, 3 in the unpopulated zones of America, Australia and Hawaii.  The fourth is to be found in the south east of Sicily.  The problem is, the Italian govt is making the MUOS station American soil, so the Italian law and constitution will not be applicable.   The Americans who are building these monsters have decided that the builders do not need to have anti mafia certification, and thirdly – the collateral effects of ultra high frequency are proven to be legion.  In a radius of between 75 and 125 km the technologu can cause genetic disorders, genital malformation and leukemia.  Oh, and it can interfere with pacemakers, and aeroplanes too.   This means that 3/4 of Sicily will be in the mire – and the chances of Comiso airport opening, or Catania remaining open diminish rapidly.  From Agrigento to  Cefalu to Taormina and Capo PAssero Sicily will be irradiated by these UHF radio waves, which are permanently ‘on’.  ANd nobody does anything, least of all the govt because Sicily isnt really Italy you know.



