The latest Melonian nepo craze is to appoint family members to convenient jobs with absolutely no shame. Obviously Scianel started the fad by giving her sister and brother in law top jobs in the party. Then we had Minister San Giuliano, now resigned, who was too close to his special advisor. Now the remaining cabal at the Ministry of Culture looks to be on the verge of toppling. The new Minister – Giuli – is already facing calls to go, as his nominations for under secretaries include one man whose husband has nailed a top job, and we are promised there are more to come.
Gone are the days of trying to weasel your other half/son/lover into a well paid job with the least possible publicity. Now it seems they don’t care, knowing that TeleMeloni – or RAI as it used to be called, will not call them out and the rest of the media will turn a blind eye.
Eurodep Vannacci continues his mission to become the acceptable face of fascism. The papers have published a photo of him and his mates, all wearing a X-mas ring which has the ‘fasci’ engraved on it along with the X and the words_ Memento audere semper – Remember to always listen. Its knocked out by a jeweller in Arezzo in two versions – a silver one for the truly faithful close knit circle around Vanacci, and a bronze one for the ‘sympathisers’. Apparently its flying off the shelves. The fasci aren’t about fascism apparently – but symbolize power. Would that be the power that the blackshirts wielded?