2012 the year of Monti and the resurgence of Italy. Here’s the news: a stenographer in parliament earns more than the King of SPain.
THe Guardia di FInanza went to Cortina – uberchic ski resort of the Italian wealthy and ruined their New YEar. On the day of the Finanza checks bars, restaurants, and posh shops all took over 100% more than the previous day. In some cases 400% more.
The GdF stopped and looked at big shiny cars – there were 251 big shiny cars, and 150 of them are licenced to private individuals…. of which 43 ‘earn’ less than 30 grand a year, and 16 less than 50K – presumably they sleep in their cars not having the money for a house. The other 118 cars are registered to companies, of which 37 registered less than 50K and 19 registered a loss with the revenue. And what is really annoying is that the GdF arent taking on more staff . I would have thought that increasing the people available to scare the shit out of the leeches at Cortina would more than cover their costs – it seems not, at least not at the moment.