Tag: Renzi

  • It’s behind you !

    One of the major pastimes in Italy is that of the art of dietrologia – roughly translated as the study of what lies behind it.  The Italian press is a master of this subject and can draw fantastical conclusions from a simple fact.   Given the history of Italian politics and subterfuge over the last 70…

  • Berlo’s back

    As the politicial Freddy Kruger, (every time you think he’s dead, he comes back in a sequel) Silvio Berlusconi made a triumphal entry into Parliament yesterday, complete with photo-op with his plane landing on the tarmac in Rome.  Silvio has decided that its time for the country to unite behind Mario Draghi in a last…

  • The Ego has landed

    Long ago Matteo Renzi was lauded as the great hope for Italian politics in the shadow of Tony Blair.  Like Tozza his halo became somewhat tarnished, after his promises to resign came and went, and he gradually became inconsequential.  After the last election, running on the PD ticket, he left to form his own party…

  • Tomorrow, or tomorrow or tomorrow?

  • Et Tu

      Young Matteo Renzi – the Mr Bean lookeylikey of Italian politics, has succeeded in his his overweening ambition, to become PM – by not actually be elected, infact by not actually being a member of parliament..  He is of course merely mayor of  Florence, which goes well his Machiavellian political stance, as in just…