So we’ve had Monti for 100 days, or not had Berlo for 101. Monti has written a report on what he’s done in his first 100 days – and it seems he has reduced spending by Palazzo Chigi (the PM’s office) by 43 million euros. The main reason for this is that flights on the state have been cut by 92% – and it doesnt seem to me that MOnti has been sitting at home doing macrame. He’s been out putting it about in Brussels, Germany, Spain, US and so on, but he has still managed to use 92% fewer aeroplanes than Berlusconi did – and Berlo did sod all. So what are to assume of this saving of 23.5 million on flights? The tax payer spent 25 million euros on ferrying pussy up and down Italy for Silvios saggy old libido, because he changed the law allowing him to do just that. SO who says Monti shouldnt be PM cos its not democratic?
The 100 days