The dust settles

La Polverini – or Dusty as she translates – has resigned from her lofty position as supreme leader of Lazio.  Not that she was the mayor, no Boris figure here but she was leader of Lazio – its like being the person in charge of the metropolitan district of Sheffield and Barnsley – but with the budget of a small country due to the NHS overspend in Italy.

Anyway she’s gone – she announced her resignation yesterday saying that she had hung on in there for a few more days to try and get everyone else to do something for the benefit of the people, but she had failed.   She has apparently spent 2 and half years watching people screwing the system and now she can tell us – obvioulsy when she was chief capo she couldnt actually do anything because she was too busy signing off cheques for all and sundry.

So the moralist exits ‘with her head held high’ which means she will now become the official PDL candidate because of all the good she’s done and she is untainted by the scandal.  And we are really expected to swallow this shite?  Mr Toad meanwhile can carry his flaccid old arse back to Sardinia or the Cayman islands or wherever his exit strategy leads him.

THe Huffington post has opened in Italy.   Or the Affintunpossed as it will be called.  Hardly cutting edge stuff – an interview with Berlsuconi today .  I reserve judgement.

The Vatican has said that it will be impartial in the next elections – so that will be a first.  Instead of being a unelected political party and ruling Italy it will be an unelected political party that rules Italy but without doing it quite so openly.  Thats a relief.



