they’re all the same

Sly, liars etc – politicians are universally condemned.  But the Italian ones take the biscuit.   In what is laughingly called the Italian democracy, there is scope (every now and again) for a referendum for big decisions and those that affect the constitution.    We have 3 referendums this June (not in May when it would have been sensible and thrifty to run them together with the local elections, but a month later at a cost of 350 million euros extra to avoid possible embarassment to the Berlusconi majority).  Our 3 referenda are on important principles – 1 nuclear power, 2 – privatisation of water and 3 – legitimate impediment and the law is equal for everyone.Unfortunately for the government, the Japanese earthquake has renewed public concerns about nuclear safety and public interest in the referendum and the NO campaign is gaining ground.  The majority do what they know best and change the rules.  Yesterday they cancelled all laws on the development of Nuclear sites and power stations ‘ for the summer’  and announced new renewable incentives.  By now, not having a nuclear policy they hope to cancel the referendum on nuclear policy thereby leaving the referenda on legitmate impediment and privatisation in the backwaters, and which will not get the 51% quorum necessary for the vote to be binding.  Sly. Furbi.  There is an arrogance in their treatment of the people that is deeply worrying – and shows that Italy is only a short step from a deeply undemocratic authoritarian state.And then you must ask why such important issues will be neglected by the public.  Well, Berlusconi has banned any mention of the referenda from his tv and media channels and papers.  He has not allowed RAI to run yes/no ad campaigns.  Therefore nobody will know anything about anything and noone will vote, saving Berlo’s saggy old skin.   AGAIN.



