Author: rammers

  • Another fine mess

    Another fine mess

    The clown show continues on this side of the pond too.They have been strenuously defending the Albanian plan which thus far has seen a game changing 7 (seven) immigrants being detained there. Outnumbered by the Italian forces of law and order, who stay in a luxury seaside resort. So far this wonderful idea has cost…

  • A good investment?

    A good investment?

    The cursed Ca Daria in Venice has finally been sold. Over the last 600 years it hasn’t been a happy home for many of its owners.The Giovanni Daria who built the 8 bedroomed palazzo gave it to his daughter as a wedding present. She committed suicide and her son was killed in Greece. It was…

  • Rewriting history

    Rewriting history

    Dandy and new minister of Culture Alessandro Giuli is a proud extreme right winger.  His Grandad was a fervent fascist, marched on Rome and went to Salò, and his family has never hidden its affiliations.  Giuli himself was a member of Meridiana Zero, an extreme rightwing  organization and has always been on the far right…



    The latest Melonian nepo craze is to appoint family members to convenient jobs with absolutely no shame.  Obviously Scianel started the fad by giving her sister and brother in law top jobs in the party.   Then we had Minister San Giuliano, now resigned, who was too close to  his special advisor.  Now the remaining cabal…

  • The price of a pope

    The price of a pope

    Roberto Vannacci, sometime general in the army and writer of the unpleasant tome ‘The back to front world’ (Il mondo al contrario) was parachuted into the European election by Salvini in a blatant show of populism.  Not only did it create serious problems for Salvini in the Lega party, with many Leghiste deeply unhappy at…

  • Viminale Stoat

    Viminale Stoat

    Is an anagram of Matteo Salvini. Fortunate that he works at the Viminale and his familiar would be a stoat. His latest outing into the media concerns the results of the Russian election – roundly denounced by all his allies, the government and the western world as being corrupt. Salvini on hte other hand, given…

  • Art is in the safe of the beholder

    Art is in the safe of the beholder

    Sgarbi has finally resigned, though it’s probable he was pushed. It’s also probably that there has been a deal done and he will rear his ugly head in time for the European elections to add another salary to his already groaning wallet. The evidence this time is a little convoluted, but well worth the hearing.…

  • Scianels No. 5

    Scianels No. 5

    Having failed with all her other manifesto promises, Scianel is now going for the big one – a directly elected Prime Minister.   Of course, her problem is that means a change to the Constitution – something that the Italians are notoriously resistant to.  The Big Idea is that to make voting even more complicated than…

  • 1 year in

    1 year in

    It’s a year since Giorgia Meloni became PM.  In that year she has done very little, but rather a lot. She has filled TV and the press with her people, meaning that virtually every news article is supporting the government line.  She has succeeded in making immigration the only topic to be consistently on the…

  • Caring colonialism

    Caring colonialism

    The Vice Minister at the foreign office is one Sig Cirielli, ex carabiniere faithful ultra right winger.   He gave a talk the other day, which managed to show his total unsuitability for his office.   It shows how Meloni and her cabal manage to rewrite history to suit their aims.  “The Italians, both in the pre…