Month: March 2013
The kiss of death
Silvio has announced himself to be open to anything to help form a government to help Italy out of its mess. Translated this means – never in a million years, but it’ll make him look good and statesmanlike. Bersani loses, Berlusconi wins and is already ahead in the polls.
We should have known
A month of ‘negotiations’ and we still dont have a government. Bersani is set to fail and its back to the hustings. Silvio will be thrilled – he can claim legitimate impediment for all his trials till the next elections – probably in July. The M5S is satisfied, convinced they will do even better next…
Its democracy, but not as we know it
DOM Silvio is getting hot under his collar. Its not the uveitus you understand which results in him going round in dark glasses like a very inferior mafia henchman, its this bloody thing called democracy. Poor love, you can understand his predicament. He loses an election and nobody will do as he says. The…
inpatient, outpatient, shakeitallaboutpatient
All of Toad’s trials have come to a grinding halt as he has been hospitalised with an itchy eye. For over a week poor Uncle Steptoe has been lashed to a trolley in the corridor of some underfunded hospital neglected by nursing staff and left to dehydrate in a draughty corridor. Oh no – he’s…
caimano o caymans
Silvio went on telly last night – obviously on his channels – to mobilise the faithful to protest against the democratic cancer of the judiciary. Nice. To keep us up to speed with his legal cases he decided to announce his verdict on everything. MEdiaset – he accused of avoiding 3 million in tax. Apparently…
Jiminy Crickett
So Grillo’s insistence that as the largest single party in parliament, but 3rd in the coalition stakes, it should be Grillo that forms a government seems to be taking hold. Slowly. From the derision that met his election, we now have various gods of industry saying that actually, well, they voted M5S. Napolitano, the president,…