Month: October 2022

  • Free to not be free

    Ignazio Maria Benito La Russa, the new president of the Senate, and doughty remnant of the neofascist movement has announced that, as President of the Senate – the second position of state after the President of the Republic, he will not be celebrating the 25 April.   The holiday in Italy is usually known as Liberation…

  • What a Pillon

      Simone Pillon – senator for the Lega, ex teacher at a secondary school and economist.  Also ultra catholic, ultra conservative and mover behind the odious ‘Family Day’ against abortion, women rights, lgbtq, and divorce which happily  received money from Russia. This week he published this tweet – ‘Happy Sunday, friends.  Look at the ray…

  • Minister for Minecraft

    La Meloni has announced her cabinet, so chock full of ministers it will take weeks to go through them all.  Harking back to what she may consider Italy’s glory days, we now have ministers for ‘Alimentary Sovereignty’  ‘Birth’ and ‘Politics of the Seas’    The only thing missing is a minister for Gardening with special…

  • Bye bye Berlo

    Silvio’s had a busy week. Trying to undermine la Meloni seems to be a full time job. Not content with writing pithy insults last week, which could be picked up by the cameras in Parliament, this week he has resorted to his usual tricks of saying things which he then denies. Thus far we have…

  • A question of politics

    La politica is translated as ” The term politics is used in reference to the activity and modalities of government, or also in the political lexicon to the so-called opposition activity” except that in Italy is has no bearing on actual governance. The shenanigans of the last weeks, have shown that government and politics in…

  • Camera Oscura

      This is the new president of the Camera/Congress/Commons in Italy.   It is Lorenzo Fontana,  already mentioned in this blog when he was Minister of the Family.  He hasnt changed since then – so we now have the third position of state occupied by a vehement anti abortionist, anti feminist, homophobic turd who claims to…

  • It’s your fault.

      The  Court of Appeal outdid itself yesterday.  Ruling on the compensation due to the families of the victims of the 2009 Aquila earthquake, the High Court decided to reduce the payouts by 30%, because the fact that people died was their own fault. This shameful verdict is based on the fact that notwithstanding the…

  • Wot no government?

    Some weeks ago we had a general election.   We are still waiting for a government.   The usual months of putting together a viable coalition havent been necessary this time round, given the emphatic victory of the ‘centre right’, but Giorgia Meloni is learning very quickly that being in the position to take decisions is much…