Month: August 2013
threats and promises
Having crowed victory over the cancellation of IMU, Silvio has returned to his posturing. He now says that if the senate vote against him on the ruling of being excluded from the senate for being a criminal, he will make the government fall. A few hundred years ago this would be classed as high…
10 days
It seems that the lecherous one has had enough. For three weeks the entire PDL has concentrated its efforts on getting the criminal off the hook. If they dedicated the same time and effort to the country, what a difference it would make – instead they have neglected their wlell paid jobs, and spent…
The dark forces are preparing…
Da da da da, da da da da da da thunderbirds are go’
The old goat has given us 15 days. If he is not given an amnesty, immunity or a grovelling apology within that time he is, by all accounts, to take his ball home and force elections in October with Marina at the helm, the idea being that he would win, and then go to prison.…
from bad to
Now ex minister Bondi has declared that Italy could fall into civil war. Can you imagine a country/political party that would instigate a civil war because a rich man siphoned off some payments through an offshore account? Bondi is the ex minister for culture. Under his tutelage Pompei started falling to bits, there were…
Ill scweam and scweam until Im sick
After all his fine words, the DOM is playing true to form. He now is threatening to bring down the government if the President of Italy doesn’t give him ‘la grazia’ – the Italian equivalent of a royal pardon. He has bleating about the 20 years of sacrifices he has made for his country…