Category: Uncategorized

living on the edge

Two weeks to the confidence vote and Berlusconi promises that the rubbish of Naples will disappear ‘within…

two things

The Pope gave a talk yesterday from his window about the need to change our First World…

the slippery slope

So Berlusconi (and Emilio Fede) is by his own admission a dirty old man, now teetering on…

Would you vote for a senile Prime Minister?

The signs of presenile dementia are there – and Berlo does it again.  Two videos in one…

secret agents

The Saint Lucia document which damns Fini is getting more interesting by the minute.   If only…

Italy to sue Apple

Theres an app for the Iphone which stereotypes countries.  For Italy it says pizza, pasta and mafia….

today is the day

Not only Berlusconis birthday, but the day he has chosen to get his vote of confidence on…

Fini, Berlusconi and the state of Italy

Fini went on tv last night to defend himself against the trumped up charges that he is…

The Italian press and the Berlusconi umbrella

Not only the papers owned directly by B are cowed and scared of reporting what is happening…

mediaocritySAT 2

So, the bearded wunderkid Piersilvio Berlusconi has announced the Channel 5 autumn season, promising innovation and quality….