Category: Uncategorized

Dont hold your breath

Its ten days since the terrible bridge collapse in Genova, and 2 years to the day since…

A fountain of sanctimony

He may only have one daughter with a pretty standard name,  but in many respects Lorenzo Fontana…

Foa and Foa jr

The committee for the Rai vetoed the election of Foa as chairman, but he refuses to accept…

Rai, Foa and other three letter words.

Hopes that RAI (the italian BBC) may become politically independent are fading with the  latest nominations to…

That way madness lies.

Yesterday would have been Mussolini’s birthday, and to celebrate it Matteo Salvini deliberately quoted the fascist leader,…

What would Jeremy Hunt do?

For all of those who bewail the NHS, Italy has just proved how to rally the staff. …


The new Lord of Darkness, Matteo Salvini, has been flexing his muscles since he got into his…

The Republic is dead, long live the Republic

Silvio is worried about the new government, because they wouldnt appoint him PM – he did nominate…

Hot under the Colle

The temperature at the Colle (parliament) this week must be pretty high.  Judging by the chatter in…

The mighty fall

Lots of arrests in Sicily this week, all connected to Antonio Calogero Montante – ex president of…