Month: April 2013
smoke and mirrors
We have a government. The new PD prime minster Enrico Letta has put together his cabinet which includes PDL (conservatives) Centrist Montiani and PD (Labour) ministers. And just for fun theres a couple of technocrats in there. The far left SEL and the Northern League will be in constructive opposition apparently, and theres not a…
well that was nice…
A week of party politics taken to the max, the inevitable disintegration of the old/new left, and an old man reelected until he is an even older man. Grillo shouts that there has been a mini coup, and advocates a march on Rome – not the cleverest thing to do – and his moderate supporters…
wot no democracy?
The elections for the new President start today and behold – Bersani and Berlusconi have come to an agreement before they even begin. FOr Marini – who failed spectacularly to get elected in Molise and is ‘acceptable’ only because he is so far inside the ‘machine’ that he must have cogs up his jacksy. …
Knock Knock Its the last days of desperate arse saving diplomacy to decide who is going to be the next President of the Republic. Forget the fact that it is now 55 days since the elections and tehre is no majoirty, no government, no PM, no policy. Forget that all the highbrow words mask only one…
what can I say
Ive been offline because I couldnt think of anything to say. This country makes a mockery of its own arcane self. It is now 6 weeks since the elections and there is still no government, Monti is still PM – and all the new new MP’s are drawing fat salaries. And there will be no…