
Who would have thought that a concert for May Day would become a real mayday alert for…

A father or a Dad

An Italian court has decided that a woman can use a fertilised egg to get pregnant.  This,…

Not even a leaf moves

Draghi has been sworn in and all is well with the world.   Apparently.  Now there’s talk of…

Berlo’s back

As the politicial Freddy Kruger, (every time you think he’s dead, he comes back in a sequel)…

Bubbling Under

Here are three little takeaways to ‘celebrate’ the Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust. On the day…

Style and substance

This week the tenders are out for the gazebos which will be placed in town centres to…

The Ego has landed

Long ago Matteo Renzi was lauded as the great hope for Italian politics in the shadow of…

Like getting blood from a stone

The miracle of San Gennaro didnt happen yesterday.  Consternation and gnashing of teeth in Naples and beyond. …


The saga of poor Calabria continues.  The second appointee (see previous post) lasted a grand total of…

Lockdown 2.0

Tempers are fraying. Salvini, leader of the Lega and Trumps Italian rentboy has spent the summer in…